Update from our Club President Zander Abbott
To my fellow Brunswick Rotary Club members,
It's been a busy November for our club, and I am excited about what we have in store for December as we close out the calendar year. First and foremost, we been busy participating in local events (like the exceptional team who represented our club in the annual DBA bed races - check out our website for a photo) and raising money to support our local community. Club treasurer Fred Horch delivered a check to Tedford for $365.82 to purchase Thanksgiving Turkeys and meals for our community members served by Tedford housing. This exceeded our club "green bottle" goal - thanks to all for your generosity!
Looking ahead, we just kicked off our annual Amaryllis Sale which is a major fundraiser for our club. A special thanks to Dee Perry for setting up the annual project - please check out the website, pick your favorites, and order them as gifts for friends and family. Our goal this year is $2,000!
Another annual event that makes our club proud is the Bell Ringing with Salvation Army. Under the leadership of club member extraordinaire Mark Alexander, we can sign up on our website and help support the cause from 9a - 6p on December 14th.
I hope to see you all next week for our Monday noontime meeting. We will be hearing from the local Curtis Memorial Library leadership team about new and special programs at the library. After our club meeting, we will be hosting our monthly board meeting - please feel free to attend and listen.
Lastly - Save the date for our 100th anniversary dinner on Sunday, May 18th, 2025 at 5:30pm at the Brunswick Hotel.
Happy holidays to you and yours,
President Zander Abbott