July 1 is the start of the Rotary year, and this date marks the changeover of leadership in the clubs, districts, and the international organization. Additionally, it ushers in a new motto to inspire Rotarian actions in the coming year.
Larry Bernstein ended his term as president during a truly unique year in which the Brunswick Rotary Club was unable to meet in person, service projects were challenging to complete given restrictions designed to reduce the spread of the coronavirus, and fund-raising opportunities were significantly limited due to the pandemic. Despite the challenges of the past year, with Larry's steadfast leadership, the Club has emerged from the pandemic strong and ready to focus on its mission to positively affect the community.
The Club's first in-person post-pandemic meeting was lead by the new president, Fred Horch. Fred has modified his family's home to reduce their carbon footprint and his entire family lives an environmentally friendly lifestyle. He is especially pleased that his year of leadership coincides with the first year of Rotary's seventh area of focus: protection of the environment. At the July 12 meeting, Fred announced that the vendor providing our lunches uses fully recyclable containers, cups, and utensils, so going forward our Club's weekly lunch will not be contributing anything to the local landfill. Fred explained to club members that this year's theme from Rotary International is to "Serve to Change Lives." Additionally, he shared that his presidential theme is "Lead by Example."
Fred stated: "To serve our community's needs, I ask that we share our time, talent, and treasure in service to our club and our community. To keep our club alive and thriving, I ask that we find a friend to join Rotary. To advance Rotary's new cause (protecting our environment), I ask that we protect our environment. There are many ways we can protect our environment; every month I'm issuing a new 'lead by example environmental challenge.' This month I have brought a variety of garden herbs to encourage all of you to consider planting a windowsill garden."
Other board members include President-Elect, Lisa Harrison; Vice President, Michelle Lester; Immediate Past President, Larry Bernstein; Treasurer, Cindy Smith; Secretary, Steve Baldwin; Foundation Chair, Dave Taft; and Directors
Don Kniseley, Peggy Siegle, Allison Hopkins, Carlene Byron, and Jerry Reese.
Don Kniseley, Peggy Siegle, Allison Hopkins, Carlene Byron, and Jerry Reese.