Brunswick Rotary President Gary Torow presents a check to Ethan Minton, MCHPP Program Director
On Monday, December 8, 2014 the Rotary Club of Brunswick Maine presented Midcoast Hunger Prevention Program with a check for $3000 to support their Pack a Backpack program. As the MCHPP website explains, 

Every Monday morning, over a thousand students in the greater-Brunswick area arrive at school hungry. They leave school on Friday afternoon and simply don’t have enough food at home to provide the nutrition they need on the weekend. It affects their ability to concentrate. It affects their ability to learn. It affects their ability to do all the things many others take for granted. It doesn’t have to be this way. For around $5 a week, we can supply a student and their family with enough food to get through the weekend so they don’t go hungry.

The Rotary Club presentation is in addition to a $1000 check presented previously. The money was raised primarily through a Pack a Back Pack 4ME event in October.