Make plans now to join us for Summer Games on the Mall and a 0.5K Fun Run!
Saturday, July 24
9:00 a.m.: 0.5K Fun Run
10:00-11:30 a.m. Games on the Mall
(Rain date: Sunday, July 25)
In conjunction with the Town of Brunswick and the Brunswick Downtown Association, the Brunswick Rotary Club is excited to announce the rescheduling of Games on the Mall for Brunswick-area kids of all ages! Traditionally held on July 4, this year’s event was rescheduled due to poor weather conditions on the fourth. To make it even more fun for families, this year’s event will start with a 0.5K Fun Run at 9:00 a.m. Both the Fun Run and Games are free and open to all.
Game events include relay games, three-legged races, a pie-eating contest, wheelbarrow races, sack races, and a watermelon-eating contest. There will be ribbon awards for the winners. Water and popsicles will be provided. Garbage to Garden is the composting sponsor for this event and will be providing a composting container.
The Brunswick Rotary is dedicated to hosting a safe, fun event for all members of our community. Masks and hand sanitizer will be available, and all those participating and attending the event are encouraged to follow CDC guidelines.